
The Secret Kindergarten is here to support parents of young children. We provide a freedom-minded podcast, for young children, that is guaranteed to be free of indoctrination and sinister agendas. There are carefully curated undertones in the content that promote Natural Law principles because The Secret Kindergarten affirms what young children already know. An enjoyable podcast for the whole family that is thought provoking, fun and encourages connecting with our young. We also provide content for grown-ups, to encourage and support them so they can become their own early childhood educators.

*The Secret Kindergarten is live every Saturday 2.00pm – 3.00pm ET on Revolution Radio (Studio A),
or you can follow the show on all main podcast platforms (Spotify, Apple Podcast, iHeart, Audible, etc.) and on YouTube (TSK for Young Children, TSK Grown-Ups Edition), Substack, Rumble, Odysee and Bitchute.

What is The Secret Kindergarten?

The Secret Kindergarten is a way out. Out of the Tarot’s wheel of fortune and onto the path of The Fool. It is a calling by the angelic forces who want the best for the young children. They want you to start your magnum opus, your Great Work by finding your inner child and spending time with your young. The Secret Kindergarten is as much a way for the conscious parent as it is a way for any family member, friend or neighbour. The path of The Fool can begin in early childhood. As most of us were not allowed to be brave, take risks, explore and freely play in our environment during the early years…. we are now being called by unseen forces to embrace our inner child and play with our young children. We can share our journey together and we adults can heal and grow with the help of our young children. In turn we will be helping our young children to start their path right, their path of life, their Great Work during a time where it is naturally appropriate, in the early years. And, in an era where is crucial, in the eleventh hour.
The Secret Kindergarten provokes the adult to remember back to when they were a young child. These memories hold the keys to healing and growing into the adult one was born to be. The message is simple. Play with the young children in your lives, to create the life you want for them and for yourself!

Young Children Vibrate to The Law of Vibration, So Get With The Vibe!

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” Is that a quote referencing
one of the seven hermetic principles in The Kybalion, written by the three initiates in 1912? Or is it a quote from a parent or teacher referencing a room full of young children? The quote certainly applies to both. When an adult dives into the world of young children by engaging with them or alongside them in imaginary play, rough and tumble play, art, music and dance, this creates a mandala or focus point which amplifies the frequency or vibration that is created therein. When you vibrate at a similar frequency with the young child in your life your values and desires for how you want them to be will vibrate with them too. The arduous tasks involved in being a parent will become easier. You will change your vibration too by spending time having fun in child-like play.

When we are between the ages of two and three-and-a-half years, we seek approval from adults and usually idolise our parents. We also challenge these adults who we seek approval from. We require the attention of adults to be the confident learners we need to be in order for our brains to develop in a natural healthy way. The quality of this relationship, between us as the emerging young child, and the adult, develops our internal working model. This model is what informs our behaviour. For example how we respond to a challenging situation later in life.

As young children, we need to be encouraged and supported in order to have a
capacity to learn. Furthermore, we learn through play. Play is the key to learning. So as adults we must support, approve, pay attention to and play with our young children for them to develop the capacity and confidence to learn whatever it is we think, personally, they should learn later in life. For most conscious parents and adults out there it would likely be the trivium method. But for now we must play with our young!
And there are benefits to this. But we are strung out! We are tired! We are lacking
patience. Well, that’s perfect! Why? Because our brains are vibrating with the theta brain wave state, when we are in this condition, just like the brain waves of our young children.

Young children are driven to connect with the connectedness of life. They are
drawn to it all: water; dirt; sticks; stones; plants; cats; dogs; bugs; beetles; puddles;
trees; flowers, colours… you get my drift. They are there right amongst it using all
their senses. And they need you. They need you to get involved with the vibration of their life, the vibration of life. Inside this mandala, this point of focus, while you are that tired struggling parent.. it brings in the synchronicities, the spirit guides, your guardian angel, the sidhe, the fae, the angels, ascended masters, animal spirit guides… you name it… the door is wide open for you to experience the etherical world through your own individual and cultural lense…. strengthening your connection with The All.. empowering you to live under God’s Laws, giving you the child-like sense, the naivety to see the ridiculousness in control systems such as government, man made laws and binding rules that hold us back from being free. In the world of the subconscious, the world of spirit, the world of the young child… these controls don’t really exist. Because they are not paid attention to. The very idea of slavery or man made authority over one another could not exist. It just requires the conscious parent to transfer their understanding of these things by getting involved and supporting the young children in their life. They just need to be encouraged to live according to what they already know.

When you spend your time with young children, even when you don’t really want to, the Universe smiles at you. When you spend your time with young children, you are spending time on the part of yourself that you need to know and understand to become who you can be. That is vibing with the principle of vibration. Vibrating by taking action on the desire to see your sons and daughters develop into amazing adults, creating an amazing planet. And, really, you will also be vibrating by taking action on the desire to see yourself develop into the amazing person you really are and creating an amazing planet. Because just like it says in The Kybalion, “He who understands the principle of vibration, has grasped the sceptre of power”.

Gino Volante

Note: Unless stated otherwise, when we refer to ‘young children’, we are referring to children roughly aged 2.5 to 7.