Pertinent and practical advice for the people of the planet!
To take your masculine power back, you must accept that you could lose everyone. Then you can start to take control of your goals and dreams. It will take some time, but getting back into balance is what it’s all about! Persistent, dogmatic effort is how to become wise.
Find your passion and be infatuated with it! Doing and focusing, on something you love, improves your thoughts and makes them more reasonable. All the betrayals and cowardly acts, that replay in your mind, can be turned into wishes. When you work on this, you will become proficient at creating your future and having want you want.
To help with such drastic transformations, you must connect with the earth. You will be given the spirit to take the action and gain the wisdom. Your emotions need strengthening so you know, what you feel, when you feel about things. You need a strong emotional foundation to take the right actions according to what you think you want to do.
Keep working on it to avoid stagnation and maintain progress.