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The Secret Kindergarten Radio Show | Grown-Ups Edition Ep. 18
We compare the child, before seven years old, with the child at seven years of age. As we continue our exploration of initiation rites at the age of seven, we begin to discover that we may not need candles and Latin incantations to mark one of the most important times in a child’s life. Coming into the Christmas, it is synchronistic to highlight the importance of family bonding at age seven, just as it is important at Christmas time.
Rybanska, Veronika. (2020). The Impact of Ritual on Child Cognition. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Ames, Lousie Bates, Ph.D. & Haber, Carol Chase, M.A. (1985). Your Seven-Year-Old: Life in a Minor Key. Dell Publishing.
Heindel, Max. (1909). The Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training. The Rosicrucian Fellowship.
The Secret Kindergarten is live every Saturday 2.00pm-3.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A):