Episode 16: Good vs Evil / Right vs Wrong / The Secret Kindergarten vs Satanic Paedophilia

Watch this video on Bitchute / LBRY / Minds

Here are some more links that may be useful…




Documentary ‘The Finders’: https://theconsciousresistance.com/thefinders/

The Franklin Cover-up book: https://whatonearthishappening.com/images/stories/woeih/podcast/017/The_Franklin_Cover-Up.pdf

and the related documentary ‘Conspiracy of Silence’: https://lbry.tv/@Youtube-Archive:a/Conspiracy-Of-Silence:7

Cathy O’Brien’s website: https://trance-formation.com/ (start with the videos, but reading the book is highly recommend it if you can stomach it)

…or a fiction book (that probably is more real than we’ll ever imagine): https://archive.org/details/tracyr.twymangenuflectzlib.org

[Do you know you can find heaps of downloadable ebooks on websites like archive.org and LibGen?]
