The Secret Kindergarten is created and hosted by Gino Volante, an ex-Early Childhood Education teacher, who, disillusioned with the current state of schooling, but still wanting to be of service to young children and their families, turned content creator.
Gino wants young children to affirm their connection with Nature and he pushes back against the indoctrination agendas out there for our young. He also wants to encourage and support carer of young children to become their own early childhood educators.
You are welcome to email Gino with any questions or comments:
Support Gino’s Work
The Secret Kindergarten is and will always be free and accessible to all.
If you find value in Gino’s work, please consider leaving a donation.
It will be very much appreciated! Thank you!
Gino is also a student of esoteric and spiritual practices, and can combine Tarot readings with dowsing and clairaudience to manifest a general message that is deeply personal, helpful, honest and simple (see more in the Otherworld Connections page). Gino earned his gift from being of service to young children for five years, as he discovered that patience builds intuition. He wants to serve families and individuals to help them overcome roadblocks in their lives.
You can book your personalised reading here:
To quote the first (willing) recipient of one of Gino’s readings, “80 percent of the message was 120 percent mind-blowing and true to my situation”.
You can also email your request to Gino on