The Fae, Sprites, Fairies and goodness knows who else are there for us, behind the thinly-veiled world of young children. Here is a message from The Sidhe to you:
This message concerns dealing with addiction.
“There is a manipulative energy which is strong and forces one to self-sacrifice. This energy contains wisdom and harmony which relieves mental anguish. It helps people to celebrate when there is little case for celebration in their lives.
Universal love causes anxiety, when you have an addiction, but you can free yourself from this. You can free yourself from the manipulative energy of addiction. You must simply build your confidence. When you are feeling melancholy, try to “flip the switch” and have a positive outlook. Being bold requires you to be aloof. Try to detach yourself in a realistic way. Trust that courage is available.”
There are many ways to build confidence. For me, I am being more genuine and promoting myself online. I building my confidence by doing this because I am learning to rely on how the process goes…..I am simply getting used to it and taking it for granted! Building confidence is about trying. We must practice trying until we aren’t trying anymore, and then we can trust in ourselves to do what we were once trying to do. We can try our hand at anything we want. There are infinite ways to build our confidence. I took the above reading personally and I am now reconsidering where I can practice my “try”.
If you like this post and see value in my podcast for young children, you can order a personalised message here.