Category: Otherworld Connections
Get Orgonised
Do you believe we are being mind-controlled by microwaves that manipulate our decision-making? Orgonite is a solution to defend ourselves from such attacks that are beyond our control.
Rumpelstiltskin: a Guardian Angel!?
Fairy tales are like guardian angels that accompany us throughout our life to help us become heart-based and heroic like the fairy tales themselves.
Yew Can Do It
Learning about the yew tree brings us back to the hollow of a tree and how it can help us clear out our thoughts.
Everybody Must Get Stones
Stones consist of the same stuff that is inside the human body. We share our physical body with the material world.
De-Globalise with Olive Trees?
Aldous Huxley thought there is a connection between the “Latinity” of the olive tree and the “Latinity” of the English. Does a lack of olive trees in England reflect the present migrant invasion?
Tapping Into Success
EFT works, it is the key to healing and creating space to fulfill your life goals. Are you aware of what you need to “tap out”?
Jobs and Dogs
Dogs symbolise perseverance, faith and service. A pet dog can help us find these qualities, in ourselves, in order to find our way.
Tree Talk
There are so many correspondences between trees and humans that it is uncanny!
Patience From a Pendulum
Internal work, shadow work, self-healing, self-reflection, finding yourself and finding your vocation can all be made easier for sensitive folk by working with a pendulum and patience.
Trees Will Let Your Life Speak
There is a tree near you that wants to connect with you and help you take root and thrive in the world, creating and serving others. The only way to know this is true is through discovery.
Attract Birds to Attract Success
God speaks to us through the English language and this is called “Green Language” or “The Language of the Birds”. Attracting birds to your garden could help you to receive “green” messages.
Mastermind Barefoot Rituals
Get “plugged in” to the earth to charge your body with its energy and reduce inflammation.