Category: The Secret Kindergarten for Grown ups
The Secret Kindergarten
A re-cap of the Secret Kindergarten Journey. We wish you all the best in the New Year.
Buy a Computer for Your Seven Year Old
In this episode, we discover an initial solution to initiating the transition of the child to seven years of age. There is one caveat… there needs to be a father-figure around!
Sweat Lodge Stories with Mitzie
Can we incorporate initiation rites into the lives of our children and young people? Is there a way to highlight developmental milestones without the frills? Is it important and can it be done?
Searching for The Right Rites
Initiation rites are part of our lives. As we begin to shine a light on them, can we reconcile a “Christianisation” of our Pagan past?
Jack and The Beanstalk
Studying symbolism of Jack and The Beanstalk leads us from a black metal pagan, convicted of murder and church-burning, to a Stone-Age bear-cult who revered the seventh year of the age of the child.
Kids Like to (Pretend to) Die
The theme of death bubbles up in the dramatic play of young children. It is also woven into many fairy tales. We need to understand the symbolism of death as an archetype. We need to allow dramatic play and bring back fairy tales.
Fairy Tale Food for the Soul
It turns out that there are many kind-hearted folk, out there, who know that Fairy Tales are important and their meanings need to be shared with the world as an antidote to our current condition.
The Science of Fairy Tales
In a world that constantly sends us the message that there is no soul, fairy tales are more important than ever.
Fairy Tales in The Light of Spiritual Investigation
Steiner knew that what is written in fairy tales is so foundational to the human soul that all ages identify with them.
The Wolf and The Seven Young Kids
Freud observed fairy tales showing up in the dreams of adults, sending symbols that spoke of childhood traumas. But what of the symbols in these fairy tales and what do they mean for the children?
The Television Tells No Vision Pt. 3
A research journey which reveals a case could be made that the qualities of charity and patience are being stunted by the TV.