Category: The Secret Kindergarten for Grown ups
Episode 11: The Slide Activity
Gino shows you one easy activity you can do with your children to build your patience… see how long you can maintain the game!
Episode 10: High Five Activity
Gino shows you one easy activity you can do with your children to build your patience… see how long you can maintain the game!
Episode 09: Intuition
Furthering our understanding of intuition before we step into the activities.
Episode 08: Animal Spirit Guide Summary
A short summary and some clarifications on the ‘animal spirit guide as presented by children’ series.
Episode 07: The Bee (with added commentary)
More on the meaning and symbology of the bee.
Episode 07: The Bee
How to save a stranded bee: an activity you can do with your children.
Episode 06: The Ladybug
Another example of interpreting the messages received through animal spirit guides as presented by children.
Episode 05: The Praying Mantis
Another example of how to interpret the messages received through animal spirit guides as presented by children.
Episode 04: The Cockroach
In this episode I start showing you examples of how you can interpret the messages you receive through animal symbols you are presented with by your children.
Episode 03: The Law of Correspondence
The Law of Correspondence reading Rudolph Steiner’s lecture ‘Man, the Most Significant Symbol’.
Episode 02: The Dodecahedron and Rudolf Steiner
Following the dodecahedron lead, I start looking at Rudolf Steiner’s philosophy and I discover the importance of the dodecahedron in his philosophy.
Episode 01: The Dodecahedron
The first few introductory episodes are about me, Gino Volante, sharing with you my journey of discovering the content for these episodes. Telling you stories of how I came about all this, I’ll attempt to demonstrate how your intuition can guide you, and how you can get reassurances from what you perceived intuitively along the…