Message From The Sidhe 24th of November 2023

The archetypes surrounding the enchanting world of early childhood want to engage with those who are open to listening.

“It is wise to foster contentment in the young children through play. This is the way to restore balance and make the world whole again. Nature is dissatisfied at the depth of our illusions, preventing us from bonding with destiny for the greater good. There is so much potential squashed by fear and anxiety. Recklessness has a connection with the decision-making process.

Dark occult forces promote egotism as a spiritual pursuit and the way to progress. The spiritual challenge of humanity is to achieve youthful production to release our ancestral attachments. You are to develop your holistic intelligence through experiencing the energy acquired from manipulating and separating knowledge and controlling your emotions.

During the reading, the standout phrase was “youthful production”. This sounds like the right kind of creativity. The first thing I thought of was the punk rock band I played in when I was 13 years old. We were called Acid (of course). My mum just about died when I told her the band’s name, and so did the mothers of my bandmates… so we changed the name to Conquistador. Rebellious indeed! There was little goal-setting for the future (although we should have had some if we had a proper education) but we were determined to make and perform rebellious music.

Finding the inner child and engaging in creative play is the great “youthful production” … you will surprise yourself with what you come up with. You will find your “hidden talent” if you do it enough. I believe the pagan tradition came about precisely this way… families living simply with a focus on the children and making time for little else on the heath!

Trauma is a black hole, a mile wide. In today’s climate, the hole is about as big as it has ever been. Caring for the children is about trauma reduction. We can reduce a heck-of-a-lot-of-it, while reducing the negative “ancestral attachments”, by spending more time with the young children in our lives.

If you find this message valuable, or you would like to support The Secret Kindergarten podcast for young children, you can order a message here. If booking through Fiver is too much hassle, please consider buying me a coffee or dropping me a line to request a reading here.


