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Otherworld Connections Podcast Ep. 35
One review of Bernard Roger’s The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales: The Alchemical Secrets of Mother Goose states, “How can a writer transform such an exciting subject into something so boring? It is a mystery in itself. The book deals with something that could have been very interesting. But is written in a way that makes it a pain to read.” While I found it a pain myself, it has deepened my reverence for Fairy Tales. Roger’s book demanded an understanding of the stages Freemasonry and Alchemy. I felt like there was a pretentiousness through the book and a bit of insider baseball going on as well. Otherworld Connections wants to bring these concepts, found in fairy tales, back to basics and to speak common sense. So, overall this book was a worthwhile read and it broke down common plot devices into sections. We learn that there might be an intuitive aspect to the creation of these “old wives tales”. We learn that there certainly is a connection between fairy tales and the ancient mystery school traditions. These secret societies have pull because of hidden secrets of Natural Law, the operating conditions of life. Knowing these secrets empowers us to be successful in life. So what this means is that fairy tales have the secrets too, and they are still around for all of us to bring into our lives and learn about occult knowledge and de-occult it to make it just knowledge that is free for all. Fairy Tales are a tool to level the playing field and take our power back.
Roger, Bernard. (2013). The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales: The Alchemical Secrets of Mother Goose. Inner Traditions.
Otherworld Connections is live every Wednesday 3.00pm-4.00pm Eastern Time on Revolution Radio (Studio A):