The Secret Kindergarten Podcast
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales | Part 6
Continuing our study of Bernard Roger’s The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales: The Alchemical Secrets of Mother Goose.
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales | Part 5
The perfect “initiation situation” into The Great Work is on the outskirts of society and as the black sheep of the family!
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales | Part 4
Fairy tales are teachings of life’s initiations that originated when we initiated ourselves onto a path where we were able to be initiated! An initiation mandala.
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales | Part 3
Is trying to define the landscape, of a fairy tale, subjective or objective? It would take lifetimes to really know. Otherworld Connections is going to keep searching for the objective truth anyway!
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales | Part 2
Gino takes a look at how the magical tales of antiquity managed to get their name. The origins of the names contain clues to the true purpose of these tales of old.
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales
Which came first… the chicken, or the egg? Which came first… Humanity, or the symbolic sequences, and their meanings, found in Fairy Tales?